I’m a 27 year old artist, born and raised in South Florida. I’ve been a digital artist since 2021 and expressing myself through that medium has literally saved my life. I’m a love obsessed person because I truly believe love is the path to enlightenment and is the ultimate goal. To exude love, to do and say things with love in mind.

Briana James

Do you consider yourself to be alternative?

I do, I’ve felt “othered” since I could remember but I embrace that now, aesthetically I blend in but the other comes from the way I live life and understand things.

How do you navigate life as an alternative person of color?

I show up as myself. Truly unmasked, unapologetic, and boldly myself. I don’t let the negative or traumatic experiences change who I am at my core.

What mediums do you use? How do you create art?

I’m a digital artist and I use my iPad to create my artwork.

How long have you been an artist? Is art something you have always wanted to pursue? Is art and makeup something you want to do long-term?

I’ve been a creative for as long as I can remember but I didn’t feel confident in my skills until after high school. I started my makeup career in 2016 and my digital artistry in 2021. Being an artist/creative has always been at the forefront for me.

You tend to stick to a color palette with vivid colors and a a dark background. Is there a certain reason why?

Colors can have a visceral effect on the viewer and I aim to make people feel something through every aspect of my work not just through the conveyed emotion. I love colors, colors relax me and remind me to be myself. I also love space and negative space in artwork.

What message do you want to convey through your art?

That love is the end all, be all and that through understanding and expressing yourself, with harm to none, everything will be alright.

 Is there also a message behind some of your makeup looks? Where do you get your ideas/ inspo from for your looks?

My inspiration comes from any and everything. It’s rarely ever planned and mostly based on that urge to create. I can see a photo of something or watch a movie or read a passage and be inspired. Color schemes inspire me, my friends, my clothes, my nails, my desires, animals, patterns, literally anything.

 How can one book you for a makeup appt.? Are you open to new clients? 

I’ve started working a regular job so I’ve slowed down on freelancing but I am still open to new clients! My DMs are the fastest way to reach me on my personal page @b.rianaj

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